Live Simply

Journey of faith, fitness, family, fashion, and fun

Archive for the month “June, 2012”

Turner Happenings

Well, we moved into our new home this past Friday. Boxes are everywhere. I thought I was going crazy packing everything, but I believe I might be losing it more unpacking. I absolutely hate not being able to find things that you know are somewhere in the land of the lost, in one of the zillion boxes you have stacked up in the garage. I guess, I could turn into a game and pretend I was on a treasure hunt. Then again, later on when I begin to discover these “lost” items, I might feel more like an archeologist digging up things of the past. Anyway, I feel like neither of these at the moment. Aside from all the craziness of unpacking boxes, we stil have no furniture. Our furniture is due to arrive on Thursday, and hopefully that means early Thursday morning. We DO have beds, but we have become the outside dining family (since we do have our outside patio set). While inside the kids stay mainly in their bedrooms since they have a place to sit. I am eager to wash and dry clothes. Yes, you heard me correctly. I WANT to do laundry. I have never wanted to do laundry this bad in my life, I don’t think. It is funny how you miss things when you don’t have that luxury at the moment. 

Brian invited a young man over the day, and they sat outside and discussed the new church plant and the vision that my hubs has. The young man has been in ministry and would really like to help in worship and getting the church started. So, we have officially had our first guest. Brian has invited other people who are interested in what we are doing to come over this weekend. (Yay! The furniture will be here then!) 

Kirstin and I went for a walk/jog around the neighborhood last night. It was nice getting out of the land of crazy for a little bit. The temperature was just right (although K insisted that it was still too hot, and we should have waited till the sun went down). There was a slight breeze. My body was loving the activity! I actually think I might get to do my Chalean Extreme workout today! Yippie! Hopefully, I can get the rest of the fam to join me in an early evening walk today. 

I will update on our new journey more, but just wanted to give everyone a peek into what we have been up to lately. We are excited about all that God has in store for us here. I know God is going to show up in mighty and awesome ways. He always does! He knows no other way to be. There are going to be doors blown open for the Kingdom of God, and doors slammed shut in the face of Hell.(Hell shall not previal!) God has laid His claim here, and we surrender. Please continue praying for us and the new church start. Pray that God will provide in supernatural ways for our family. Pray that God will bring people who will be vital in this church start. Pray that those who are seeking and searching will be drawn to Him. Pray that we will be filled a passion for Jesus like none before! Pray that the Kingdom of Heaven will be made known to this community. Pray that God will reveal to us what He wants for this church start, and that we will have the eyes to see it. And lastly, pray that God will reveal to you how you can help. 

Stay tuned for more of the Turner happenings…….

Grace & Peace, Jaclyn

The Beginning of an Adventure

Some of you may already know that my love and I have been given the opportunity to plant a church. Words cannot express how grateful we are to the Alabama West Florida Conference of the UMC for giving us their support and for giving us this opportunity. And our hearts are so overflowing with joy that God is paving the way for this church plant and that He chose us! We have felt a call to do this for a long time, and God is opening the door and making a way. We know there will be scary times, frustrating times, exhausting time, and stand-still times ahead, but we also know that there will be times of joy, blessing, and anointing ahead as well. We believe that the Kingdom of God will prevail. His name will be lifted high and made known. Lies will be changed. Hearts will be warmed. People will be loved. Grace and mercy will flow. Second chances will be given. Hope restored. And above all, God will be glorified. I can feel the excitement welling up inside of me I type! God will do amazing things…….correction, God IS doing amazing things. 

We will keep you updated on our journey, and just ask that you be in prayer for us, the church, and for God to be known to a people who have yet to come to know Him. Pray that the gates of hell will pail recall, but that the mighty Kingdom of God will triumph and claim this community as its own! Pray that love will replace hate and hope will replace hopelessness

With much love, grace & peace.

There is No Mess, Just Beauty

Image“You are loved beyond your wildest imagination by a God who never changes.” Pete Wilson, Crosspoint Church Pastor

How many times have you wondered if you were truly loved? How many times have you gone in search of love only to be left feeling more unloved than before your search? How many times have you asked yourself if you will know what real love is? How many times have you looked at your reflection in a mirror and asked how anyone could ever love a messed up person like yourself? 

I have been there. The questions keep streaming through your mind. Love seems like just a fantasy that only comes true in fairytales. It feels like it is next to impossible to find someone who will show you what real love is. It’s just a depressing spiral that you can’t seem to get yourself out of. 

But thank God, there was someone who showed me what real love is. There was someone who saw the pile of mess I had made for myself, and really loved me enough to help me out of it without judgment. There was someone who saw how broken and messy I was, but saw beauty and hope. There was someone who answered my questions of whether or not I would ever know what real love is. That someone was Jesus Christ. And He continues to show me real love everyday. 

There is no question for Him on whether or not He should love me. He loves me no matter what. He loves me despite the messes I have found myself in. He speaks to me when I doubt and reassures me of His great love for me. 

My encouragement for you is this: No matter what mess you might be in, you are loved. No matter how broken you think you are, you are a beautiful masterpiece. No matter how unappreciated you might feel you are, you are valued. You are treasured. You are adored. And you have a Redeemer just waiting to show you how loved you are. 


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