Live Simply

Journey of faith, fitness, family, fashion, and fun

Archive for the tag “lose weight”

Why Should I Invest in Shakeology?

“I really can’t afford it right now.”
“I can’t spend that much.”
“That’s too much money.”

These are all reasons excuses I hear from people whenever I am sharing about Shakeology with them. Now, I am not trying to downplay anyone’s financial situation. I understand about being a budget & squeezing every penny. I totally get it. What I don’t get is the fact that many times these statements are just excuses. Really. Let me take time to point something’s out or better yet cause you to stop and think.

Shakeology costs $129.95 up front (25% off that for a coach & 10% off if you are a club member). Now I know for some people those numbers cause panic, but hold tight. That is like going to Sam’s or Costco and stocking up one month’s worth of one meal. Or better yet, it breaks down to $3-$4 a glass. Can you go through the drive-thru for that? More than likely not. So, with that being said, are you still thinking it’s too much? If so, have you stopped going to Starbucks? Have you stopped eating out? Are you going to commit to putting down your cigarettes ( yea I went there)? How about those extra goodies you buy at the office? More than likely not, but all the money you spend on any of the above is going to cost you around the same as Shakeology (if not more).

So, why should you invest in Shakeology?

1. It is complete nutrition. In just one glass of Shakeology you your daily intake of vitamins & nutrients that your body needs. I no longer take a multi-vitamin because of all the nutrients packed into my daily glass. It has over 70 Superfoods in it as well! You can’t get that kind of nutrition jut anywhere.

2. Your health is no joke. Your health should be high on your priority list, not pushed down to the bottom of it. If you don’t take care of you, then you can’t take care of anyone else. You have a body that is referred to in scripture as “the temple of the Holy Spirit.” You should take care of your temple as a way to honor God.

3. You are worth it. You matter, plain and simple. You are loved. You are worth the investment.

If your health is important to you, then I encourage you to consider investing in Shakeology. I am not saying that it is magical, but I do know from my own experience that it is an investment well worth it. I know I am giving my body what it needs (nothing artificial). Are you still wondering if you should invest in it?

If you would like to get your own Shakeology or have questions, please contact me at


Shining Bright into May with Challenge Groups



Birds are chirping. The sun is shining. The air is warmer. The beach is calling. Yea, it’s that time of year again. It’s the time of year where we pack away our sweaters and sweatpants, and pull out our shorts and tank tops. I know. I know. Some of us dread getting out the shorts and tank tops. But what if I told you that you could get rid of that dread, and actually look forward to those shorts and tank tops? Would you be interested in finding out how?

I have a passion for helping people live healthy lives and helping them reach their goals. And as part of that, I hold monthly Challenge Groups. These groups are helpful in offering support, accountability, encouragement, and motivation. These groups offer the support that helps people stay on track and achieve their goals. It’s not just another support group where you become another number and get lost somewhere along the journey. You matter! You have worth, and therefore you get me as your personal coach to help you along the way. And you gain new friends who share in this journey with you, as they work towards reaching their goals. 

I truly want to give my best to my clients, and I don’t take their health lightly. I don’t take YOUR health lightly. I view good health as a high priority, and I want to help you improve your health and be a healthier you. 

I have three upcoming groups: 

1. Insanity: begins May 6th and lasts for 60 days. 

2. Fitness, Faith, and Food: begins May 6th and lasts for 30 days. This group will not only focus on our physical health, but will also focus on our spiritual health. Prizes will be awarded!

3. Sweet Eaters Slim Down: begins May 13th and lasts for 30 days. This group will replace one meal a day with Shakeology to help kick the nasty sweet tooth habit. Prizes will be awarded!

The first two groups will have open registration until April 27th, and the last group will have open registration until May 3rd. Spots will fill up FAST, so don’t delay in reserving your spot. So what are you waiting for? Message me today at and start breaking out the shorts & tank tops! 

Keep Calm and Shake It



I must confess that I am one of the many people who struggles with being addicted to chocolate. Chocolate anything! If it’s chocolate, I want it! Well, I am sure you know that it isn’t necessarily a good thing. Sure chocolate tastes pretty dang good, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for me. Well, I have discovered chocolate that really does do my body! Enter Shakeology. Whoop whoop! I can have my chocolate everyday and not worry about all the other bad stuff that usually comes with eating a ton of chocolate. 

Shakeology is packed full of nutrients, has over 70 superfoods in one glass, and has curbed my cravings like nobody’s business. This satisfies my sweet tooth, and has helped me feel better overall. I no longer struggle with a mid-day crash. And I know that I am fueling my body with the healthiest meal every time I drink it. 

Ok, so why am I sharing this with you? I mean, it’s not like I haven’t shared my love for this stuff before. I am staring a new Challenge Group beginning on March 1st specifically geared for Shakeology! This group will hold 5-10 people who will commit to replacing one meal a day with Shakeology, and it will last 30 days. We will get to have chocolate everyday and get healthier doing it! How cool is that?! If chocolate isn’t your thing, that’s cool. You can always opt for the Tropical Strawberry flavor instead. 

So, before you say that you want it in, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do I want to get healthier?
  2. Am I willing to commit for 30 days?
  3. Could having support, encouragement, motivation, and accountability be just what I need?
  4. Am I ready to get results and stop with all the craziness?
  5. Am I ready to throw my excuses out the window?

If you answered YES to these questions, then contact me! I want to help you get the results that you want. I want to help you succeed. I want to celebrate your successes with you. I would love to help you in any way I can, so contact me today and let’s get your spot reserved!

*Spots fill up fast, and are based on a first come first serve basis. 

Grace & Peace, Jaclyn

Day 10 of My P90X Adventure



Today was Day 10 of my P90X adventure, and let me just be honest and say that I am really missing my time with Shaun T. Insanity is definitely an intense and tough workout, but P90X is tough in a different way. And Yoga X days are not my fav. Just saying. 

But overall I am feeling pretty good about my progress so far. I got excited yesterday as I logged in my reps for Shoulders & Arms. I noticed that I was already increasing in numbers of reps! That got me pumped to push on and see what I was made of. When you can see progress that you are making, it only encourages you to keep doing more. At least for me anyway. I mean who doesn’t like to improve and get better at things? 

So, only 80 more days to on this adventure. I know that I will only get stronger. I am believing that I will be stronger. I am believing that what seems difficult now will still be challenging but I will be able to do more. You know what they say, “If it doesn’t challenge you, then it won’t change you.” So “BRING IT” Tony Horton, because I plan to “BRING IT” right back!

What Does It Mean to be A Beachbody Coach

Beachbody Coach Jaclyn Turner breaks down her job in 2 minutes, as a Beachbody Coach. Please contact Jaclyn by commenting below, or emailing her at if you would like to find out how you can be a coach.

Day 1 of My P90X Adventure

I began my P90X adventure today, and it was tough! But I loved it! I can’t wait to see how much stronger I will be once I complete the full 90 days!

It’s Time to Bring It



If you can’t tell by the photo I have included, I am pretty stoked about my upcoming workout program. Beginning Monday, January 7th I will be on a 90 day mission to “Bring It” alongside of some of other great women who are part of one of my challenge groups. Yep, that’s right. I am diving into P90X with Tony Horton. I know this will be challenging. I know there will be lots of sweat, and maybe a few tears along the way. I know I will be sore in places I didn’t even realize I could be sore! But all of that pales in comparison to the rewards that I will come from completing this program. The gains I will make. The results I will get. I don’t just hope for these things. I know they WILL come! How do I know they will come? Because I am determined to stay the course. I am determined to stay dedicated and committed. I am dedicated to eating cleaner. All of these can only bring success. So, over the next 90 days I will be sharing my results with all of you. Not every day, but you can expect some of my posts to be geared at sharing my P90X journey with all of you. Alright, it’s time to “Bring It!”

If you would like to know more about joining one of my challenge groups, or would like to know more about P90X please contact me either by commenting below or emailing me at

Grace & Peace, Jaclyn

Challenge Groups to Help With New Year’s Resolutions


We all know that the New Year brings “New Year’s Resolutions”, but why wait to set that resolution? Why not go ahead and plan to get started on it now? I am forming new Challenge Groups that can help you achieve that resolution of getting fit, losing weight, and/or living a healthier lifestyle. In a Challenge Group you not only get me as your coach to help motivate you and offer my support 24/7, but you also get accountability, motivation, and encouragement to help keep you on track. Once you decide which group is for you, I will get you signed up and add you to the group’s private Facebook group page. This page is where each person in the group checks in with the group, posts struggles and achievements, and can offer support to our group.

Here is a summary of what to expect in each group:

Eating My Way To a Healthier Me (starting December 19th): Yes, I know this is the week before Christmas. I did that on purpose. We all know that with Christmas we tend to eat a lot of foods that we don’t normally eat (just like we did at Thanksgiving). I want to help get you on the right track with eating healthier, so that when you are faced with all the yummy Christmas foods, you won’t over-do it. Also, this week of eating healthier will help you gain better understanding of what eating healthier looks like, so that you can carry it on past that one week. I will help you with meal planning, recipes, and anything else “eating healthier” related. This group is FREE! This group is a one week group. There are only 5 spaces available in this group.

Shakeology Shake It (starting January 2nd): This group will help get your New Year started right. In this group we will commit to replacing one meal a day with Shakeology, for 60 days. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You decide which meal works best for you. There is no workout program involved (although, if you want to add that for yourself that would be perfectly fine), just Shakeology. All you need to do to get started in this group is place your order for Shakeology on home direct in time for your Shakeology to arrive at your home, in time for this group. The cost of this group is the cost of Shakeology. There are only 5 spaces available in this group!

P90X Bring It (starting January 7th, NOT January 9th…sorry for the confusion): This group will commit to “bringing it” with Tony Horton for 90 days! We will commit to pushing play everyday (time of the day is your choice) for the 90 days. P90X can be tackled at any fitness level. The cost of this group is the cost of P90X. Just place your order with me in time to get your P90X system delivered in time for this group. There are only 5 spaces available for this group!

Have more questions? Contact me at or comment below. I look forward to working alongside of you!

“Why Did Jac Become A Beachbody Coach Anyway?”


“Why did Jac become a Beachbody coach?”

I am sure by now most of you who follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter have asked yourself this question at least once. I know I have family and friends ask me this question a time or two. It isn’t one of those annoying questions that I dread either. Ya know, like, “So, why are you so short?” Or here’s another one, “Can you see over the steering wheel?” Yea, I’m short. I like to look at though in the terms of Beverly Hills Chihuahua” though. “Tiny but mighty.” Ok enough of the short stuff. Let’s get back to the title question.

So, why did I become a Beachbody coach? Well, between myself and my husband we already had three Beachbody workout programs. My husband had done P90X and Insanity, and I had done Chalean Extreme. At the start of both us taking on these programs, the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind about becoming a Beachbody coach. I mean, that was for pros, right? As I continued in my Chalean Extreme program, I was enjoying it. I felt stronger. I felt healthier. I was in. Then came a trip that took us out of town and into a small hotel room for a few days. “I got this,” I thought to myself. But I didn’t. I got off track. All my hard work and dedication seemed to just fade o

When we got home from our trip, I couldn’t find my consistency. Did I leave it at the hotel? Maybe one of the maids had found it and put it in the lost and found. Wherever it went, I couldn’t find it.

So fast forward several months down the line. I kept up with a fellow pastor’s wife (Michelle Myers) on Facebook, and noticed that all this wonderful health information she was posting. Everyday she would post little nuggets of information regarding nutrition, health, fitness, and Jesus. I was eating it up. I also noticed she was dedicated to her workouts. I would watch some of her videos that she would post, and think to myself, “This chick has some mad skills! She even has a baby!” She was totally awesome in my opinion! (Still is too!) One other thing I noticed was that her occupation listed on Facebook read, “Independent Beachbody Coach.” Dude, no way! She works for the company that put out P90X, Insanity, 7 Chalean Extreme! No wonder she has those mad skills!

By this time I was curious as to how somebody becomes a Beachbody coach. Is there special training? Do you have to be super buff? Super healthy? Super knowledgable about nutrition and fitness? I decided to find out. I worked up the courage to send Michelle a message and ask her how she became a Beachbody coach, what she did as a coach, and if she enjoyed being a coach. Guess what? She messaged me back! And not only did she message me back, she was more than happy to share her story with me.

We set up a time to have a phone conversation where I could listen to her tell her story, and where she could answer my questions. As I listened to her story, and as she answered my questions, I knew I wanted to be a Beachbody coach too. I had a passion (still do) for health. I did enjoy how I felt when I worked out consistently, and I loved being able to help people understand how to live healthier lifestyles. I was in! We had a follow-up conversation, and she helped sign me up as a coach!

This is one of the best decisions I have ever made! I became a Beachbody Coach so that I could help share my passion for health and fitness with other people. I want to inspire people to live as health of a lifestyle as possible. I want to motivate and encourage people to achieve their health and fitness goals. Being healthy and exercising doesn’t have to be boring (if you know me, I don’t do boring). It is fun! It is exciting! It is life changing! And as a believer, I want to help other believers take care of the bodies God has blessed them with. I can’t even begin to describe the feeling I get whenever someone tells me that I have encouraged them, or when someone that I am helping shares a success of their’s with me. It is one of the best feelings in the world!

So, I know I have shared a lot here. But I hope this helps to explain why I chose to become a Beachbody Coach. Maybe becoming a Beachbody Coach is something you have thought about but aren’t really sure about. I would love to talk with you more about it, and help answer your questions. Being a Beachbody Coach isn’t just a job to me. It is a tremendous blessing for me to be able to help end the trend of obesity, and to help encourage other people in their health and fitness journey.

Please feel free to email me at or leave a comment, with any questions you might have!

Grace & Peace!

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Till January

This chick is such an inspiration & encouragement to me! She has been a great mentor in my own health & fitness journey. In this video Michelle explains the importance of getting connected with a Challenge Group now. If you are ready to “JINGLE all the way” through holidays instead of “JIGGLE all the way”, comment or message me! I would love to connect you with my Challenge Group!

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